Salmon School is a project rooted in collaboration. What started as a seed of an idea focussed on an art form has now grown into a human ecosystem made up of diverse individuals and organizations, including artists, curators, activists, scientists, environmentalists, educationalists, Indigenous people and many more. What holds them together is the understanding that wild salmon give us a route to help tackle the climate change and biodiversity crisis.
These partners have engaged with and supported the Salmon School, each bringing a unique contribution to the community. They have all crafted a part of the story, which has enhanced the art form and brought the work to the global stage at the UN Climate Change Summit (COP26). Thank you.
The artist, Joseph Rossano, is the creator of Salmon School. It is more, much more, than an art installation. Its purpose is to engage with local communities through educational programmes that blend art, natural history, and modern scientific methods, crafting a story unique to a region’s salmon. The COP26 project is an extension of the work already undertaken, and builds on a foundation to provide the world with the inspiration to tackle the issue of climate change on a local, regional, national, and international levels.
THE ATLANTIC SALMON FEDERATION works throughout the North American range of wild Atlantic salmon to conserve and restore the freshwater and marine ecosystems that people share with these extraordinary creatures. ASF’s flagship research project uses satellite technology to track salmon from their natal rivers in eastern Canada to Greenland and back. This pioneering work helps unravel the mysteries surrounding their migrations and survival at sea. In the coming years, ASF’s Wild Salmon Watersheds project will protect the healthiest habitat and most robust wild salmon populations by implementing strategic adaptive measures, providing the species with the time and space it needs to recover and thrive in a changing climate.
Working across the entire range of Pacific salmon, from California to the Russian Far East, Wild Salmon Center leads the protection of strongholds, the North Pacific’s last, best salmon rivers. Salmon strongholds sustain diverse human and natural communities. Over 25 years, WSC has partnered with local organizations to protect 3 million acres around salmon stronghold rivers and improve wild fish conservation on 71 rivers.
Brings together the NGOs in the UK fighting to protect rivers and the fish that are present in them, including wild Atlantic salmon. Our rivers, freshwater and coastal waters are under pressure from arrange of human intervention, all made worse by the impacts of climate change. The NGOs that form the Alliance focus on different disciplines including science, fishery management, advocacy, education and representation of local communities to fight to reverse the devastating collapse in wild Atlantic salmon around the UK. By combining expertise, coordinating activities, and advocating effective management solutions we can help wild Atlantic salmon survive and thrive in our rivers and seas for the next generation.
Salmon Nation extends from Northern California to the North slope of Alaska. It is perhaps the most creative, diverse, rich, and beautiful bioregion on Earth. Here the diverse local cultures are forming growing movements toward healthy regenerative systems. Salmon School is a vision of a healthy salmon population—a principle the people of Salmon Nation have sustained for thousands of years.
As a researcher and curator at the Smithsonian, I am dedicated to the increase and diffusion of knowledge. The Smithsonian is a global leader in providing critical information for Earth resilience and sustainability in the face of global change. Our lab is excited to be working with Salmon School to engage communities to participate, learn and take action as a catalyst of change for a better, more sustainable future.
Our mission is to pursue scientific understanding of the ecological health of the River Clyde and its tributaries, drive environmental improvements and build capacity for its stewardship. We aim to achieve this by maintaining an intensive ecological research programme to ensure we retain our unrivalled knowledge of the river system, by running education and community engagement projects across the catchment, and by working in partnership with other stakeholders.
The seed for Salmon School coming to Glasgow for COP26 was sown at The World Salmon Forum which took place in August 2019 In Seattle, Washington, USA. Bruce McNae was inspired to create World Salmon Forum and at this event the artist Joe Rossano met with Tiggy Pettifer from the UK of The Atlantic Salmon Trust. This meeting was the reason Salmon School is coming to COP26. Bruce has personally supported Salmon School at COP26 and is a passionate driver of international collaboration.
Located in Tacoma, Washington, USA, Museum of Glass is a premier contemporary art museum dedicated to glass and glassmaking in the West Coast’s largest and most active museum glass studio. Now in its 19th year, MOG has established a reputation for hosting impactful and engaging artist residencies, organizing and exhibiting nationally traveling exhibitions, and creating unique programs for visitors, all while building a growing permanent collection chronicling the development of modern and contemporary glass. Salmon School owes much of its origination to The Museum of Glass and it is due to return in 2022.
The Six Rivers Project is a not-for-profit conservation programme, which seeks to reverse the decline of the Atlantic salmon. The Project is working with leading academics at Imperial College London and the Marine Freshwater Research Institute in Iceland to carry out research into the causes of the Atlantic salmon’s decline. This has led to investment in reforestation and revegetation programmes which are designed to improve the delicate ecosystem surrounding the rivers. Other work includes creating access for Salmon to new spawning grounds through investing in fish ladders and researching the benefits of egg planting where it is appropriate.
To develop Salmon School and deliver it to COP26 in Glasgow many companies and organizations have gone the extra mile. Their dedication to making this happen is exceptional. Thank you.
August Island Pictures, Bellevue Arts Museum, BeZero, Eckersley O’Callaghan, Edensaw Woods, Eiko Jones Photography, Eva’s Wild, Glacier Peak Institute, Jonah, Ventures, Lyndale Glass, Mark Moore Fine Art, Newell Corp, Nissaterra Arts Foundation, North Fork Studios, Rossano Studio, Sherwin-Williams, Skagit Architectural, Millwork, Swing the Fly, Trout Unlimited, True Blue Strategies, Vision Fly Fishing, Zambuni
Salmon School has inspired many people from around the world. This inspiration has been converted into human endeavour, and many individuals have contributed in their own way to make this happen. Thank you.
Stephen M. Aldrich, Veda Angell, Jules Anslow, Montgomery Bowman, Katie Buckingham, Art Cass, Kathy Cass, Lucile Chich, Carie Collver, Trevor Covich, George Danas, Nick Davis, Helen Donahue, Penelope Dunnells, Vanessa Dunnells, Steven Fransen, Mark Garcia, Benedict Heywood, Susie Howell, Ayame Iishi, Ayla Janukajtis, Dr. Kimberly Keith, Curt Kraemer, Miguel Lomeli, Rob Masonis, John McMillan, Candice Reid, Scott Schuyler, Kevin Shinn, Terri Shinn, Joanna Sikes, Charles Stavig, Chris Taylor, Judy Tuohy, Ron Zuber
At its core Salmon School is an artist’s vision of a healthy school of salmon. Artists from around the world have used glass to make this stunning form. These artists have given their time and materials to help the project. The result is now on display for all to see in the Blue Zone of the COP26 conference. Thank you.
Julian Adkins, Coleman Anderson, Shane Anderson, Jesse Bach, C.B. Bell, Walter Biggs, Martin Blank, Michael Bray, Topher Browne, Dan Buchholz, Doug Burgess, Elias Burgess, Brandyn Callahan, Nick Chambers, Jason Christian, Nick Clawsen, Ben Cobb, Edwina Cusolito, Sean Dahlquist, Patricia Davidson, Joseph DeCamp, Abram Deslauriers, John DeWitt, James Downey, Jen Elek, Kristen Elliott, Brian Farmer, Gabe Feenan, Isaac Feuerman, Jerry French, Dan Friday, Sayuri Fukuda, Sarah Gilbert, Steve Gobin, Joe Grant, Kayla Greet, Monty Gwaltney, Elias Hansen, John Harvey, Suzanne Head, Zack Hinderyckx, Eric Hoehne, Jessica Hogan, Meg Holgate, Todd Horton, Gregory Hunt, Madeline Hunt, Peter Jacobsen, Ben Johnsen, Eiko Jones, Jesse Kelly, John Kiley, Derrek Klein, Charlotte Kord, Richard Langley, Andy Lawrence, Jourdyn Leavell, Walter Lieberman, James Madison, Sam MacMillan, Carol Milne, Jason Mouer, John Olschewsky, Greg Owen, Greg Piercy, Laurie Povey Crawford, Sterling Powell, David Price, Trenton Quiocho, John Reed, Kait Rhoads, Ross Richmond, David Rios, Joseph Rossano, Samantha Scalise, Carrie-Lee Schwartz, Monique Simkova, Raven Skyriver, April Surgent, Erling Svensen, Sasha Tepper-Stewart, Mark Titus, Randy Walker, David Walters, Amy Wang, Kate Albert Ward, Lisa Young

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